Wild Side News November 18, 2008   www.wildsidenews.com   

Latest Nature and Environmental News

with your Host Sidney Wildesmith

Topics in this week's show  

Japan launches its whaling fleet to the Antarctic. Paul Watson and Sea Shepherd ready for the chase

California wild fires

Massive oil-shale leases scheduled for Wyoming, Utah and Colorado

BLM planning to kill 6,000 wild horses on public lands

4 Klamath River dams considered for removal to help salmon

Poachers pushing extinction of plants and animals

Pirates hijack 100-million gallon oil tanker. Demand ransom.

Robert Bateman's art is more than pretty pictures.


Interview with Robert Bateman

November 1, 2008–February 1, 2009

From November 1, 2008 through February 1, 2009, the San Diego Natural History Museum will present The Art of Robert Bateman. The exhibition features over 50 pieces from this well-honored and acclaimed artist, plus works on paper including examples of his original prints, the artist’s personal sketchbooks, bronze sculpture, books and videos. The exhibition has been conceptualized and designed to exemplify the breadth, depth, and versatility of Robert Bateman and his artistic output.

Visit Robert Bateman's website


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