Thursday,  September 27, 2007  

Understanding Carbon Cap-and-Trade 

and the Future of Climate Change on Planet Earth

An in-depth look at the emerging global model for countering global warming.




Click here to listen to the entire show without interruptions.   

 Segment 1

Josh Margolis

Managing Director

Josh Margolis provides an introduction to the broad definition and application of carbon cap-and-trade.

When did it emerge?

How does it work?

Who's paying attention?

 Segment 2

Josh Margolis  continues . . .

Josh continues as he takes a look at California's emerging challenge to meet the very progressive goals set out recently by Governor Schwarzenegger to cut greenhouse emissions by 30% by 2020 and ultimately by 90%.

How will this be achieved, who will be responsible for setting it up, and how do people like you and me participate?

   Segment 3


Mike Burnett

Executive Director


Mike takes us along into the ongoing real-world dynamics of Oregon's existing Cap-and-Trade system. Standards and criteria have been established. The Carbon Trust is brokering investments into new Cleantech projects. The Oregon model is being closely watched to see how it works, and ultimately, if it will succeed in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Here's where you can see the cap-and-trade in action. And you can find out how you can participate as an individual or small business.

To determine your annual carbon footprint visit