Thursday,  February 8, 2007  


Coverage of the Report

Climate Change 2007 

The Physical Science Basis


presented this week in Paris by the 

Click here to listen to the entire show without interruptions.   

 Segment 1

News . . . . then . . .

What is Global Warming?

A summary by 

Sidney Wildesmith

with an introduction by

 Achim Steiner

Executive Director

UN Environment Program

 Segment 2


Findings of the IPCC



 presented by

Dahe Qin and 

Susan Solomon

co-chairs IPCC Working Group I



   Segment 3


The Bush Administration's response 



by Energy Secretary 

Samuel Bodman 


Vice Admiral Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr. 

(Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) 


and EPA Chief 

Steve Johnson 


and then a final conclusion  by 

Achim Steiner

Executive Director

UN Environment Program


IPCC Secretariat, C/O World Meteorological Organization, 7bis Avenue de la Paix, C.P. 2300, CH - 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland
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